Special Rider Blues
Thanks so much for purchasing this lesson. I hope you have as much fun learning this one as I had preparing it for you!
Both the tab - .pdf and movie - .m4v files are located below. Alternatively, your movies can also be downloaded using the 'Download Movie' link located underneath each movie.
Both the tab - .pdf and movie - .m4v files are located below. Alternatively, your movies can also be downloaded using the 'Download Movie' link located underneath each movie.
HERE ARE YOUR TAB FILES. There are three pages as .pdf files.
Page one: Special Rider Blues. This is the tab showing basic accompaniment and ending to the song.
Pages two and three: Special Rider Blues Ideas. Here's where I'll show you a pocketful of licks that you can put into a solo. You'll be able to create numerous solos from these!
Page one: Special Rider Blues. This is the tab showing basic accompaniment and ending to the song.
Pages two and three: Special Rider Blues Ideas. Here's where I'll show you a pocketful of licks that you can put into a solo. You'll be able to create numerous solos from these!
Here are your movie files.